Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Career Locker Job Research

Job Title: Restaurant Manager
Job Description: Restaurant managers are responsible for the day-to-day operation of restaurants, clubs and eateries
Job Activities: Manage supplies, equipment, budgets, staff, and menus.  Hire, train, and supervise employees
Education Needed: College degree plus work experience
Career Pathway: Restaurants and Food/Beverage Services
Salary Range: $37,950 per year
Interest in Job: I am interested in this job because I enjoy serving customers and can work efficiently under pressure

Job Title: Financial Counselor
Job Description: Financial counselors help people decide how to use their money wisely. They work with people who need to learn how to spend more carefully and with people who have money to invest for future profits.
Job Activities: Interview people who want to get out of debt. Help people decide how to use their money. Work with people who have money to invest
Education Needed: Have a bachelor's degree
Career Pathway: Securities and Investments
Salary Range: $60,230 per year
Interest in Job: I find this job interesting because I have good communication skills and enjoy helping people make decisions that can impact their lives

Job Title: Dietitian
Job Description: Dietitians develop nutritional programs to help prevent illness by promoting healthy eating habits. They supervise the preparation and service of meals, and teach people about their dietary needs to help them incorporate these recommendations into their daily eating habits
Job Activities: Promote healthy eating, may supervise food prep.  Work with patients, clients, doctors, nurses, and food service workers.  Use computers to help plan meals
Education Needed: Have a bachelor's degree, plus internship
Career Pathway: Therapeutic Services 
Salary Range: $42,630 per year
Interest in Job: I find this job interesting because I used to struggle maintaining a sustainable diet and healthy lifestyle.  I want to help people overcome their struggles.

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